Cacao Ceremony Facilitators’ Course

The next ONLINE course is taking place in March 2022 and is by application only (the application form is below). If you are interested in joining and have already developed a deep connection with Mama Cacao, please read about the course below and if it feels in alignment, fill out the form, telling me a little about yourself, your experience with Mama Cacao and your intentions for the course.

What You Will Learn and Remember

In this intimate training we will learn about the history of Cacao and the Cacao trade, her geographical origins and variety of trees, her spiritual and medicinal uses, health benefits, risks and contraindications, the process by which she is made from seed to our ceremonial cups and most importantly we will learn about her Sacred Nature and how indigenous people of the Americas have relied on her healings.

We’ll learn (or realign with) the principles of ceremony and ritual, its resurgence in modern society and why ceremony and ritual are integral to working with Cacao and integral to the well-being of individuals and society. We’ll learn (or realign with) how to hold sacred space and work with Cacao in the container of energy work, healing and accessing spirit. Finally we will discuss the popularity of Cacao and the many conscious community opportunities provided you with your new understanding of and deepened connection to Her.

There are many ways to work with Cacao aside from group ceremony that we will explore. We’ll learn and embody this work through, meditation, dance, discussion, writing, sharing, video and more...we’ll journey together to meet Her and finish with a beautiful closing ceremony for permission to serve this beautiful and Sacred Spirit.

You’ll receive a handbook, Cacao to host your first ceremony and many new and deep connections to like-minded people who want to effect change in the World just like you. All the participants of the prior trainings continue to support and connect with each other…the training and magic of Cacao forges a magical community!


This course will take place over 8 weeks with 6 live Zoom sessions (18 live hours), and 4-6 self ceremony hours. They are only recorded for special circumstances, you are expected to participate in all sessions if possible with the Opening and Closing Ceremonies being absolutely mandatory. The dates are:

Saturday March 12, 10 am - 1 pm - Opening Ceremony - MANDATORY

Sunday March 13, 10 am - 1 pm - Foundations (History, Mythology & Sacred Origins)

Saturday March 19, 10 am - 1 pm

Saturday March 26, 10 am - 1 pm

Saturday April 2, 10 am - 1 pm

Saturday April 30, 10 am - 1 pm - Closing Ceremony - MANDATORY


*includes 1 pound of Magic Earth Cacao and hardcopy coursebook, spotify playlists, whatsapp support group

€595 - EARLY BIRD - payment by 12 February 2022

€695 - LATER BIRD - payment by 5 March 2022

€250 - DEPOSIT (transferable/non-refundable) - due immediately to reserve your space

Other Payment Plan needed? - please say so in the application form below:)

I’m so grateful you are interested, please tell me Why This Course is For YOU…
